Et alors, la marmotte...

La page de Thias


Yes, this is me... blame Mathieu for the photo!

More photos of me / D'autres photos de moi / Más fotos mias

Who am I?

My name is Matthias, I was born in France in Tournon sur Rhône, Ardèche (Here is a HUGE photo I took in August 2001, isn't it simply beautiful?) on October 18 1978 then lived there for a bit more than 10 years, then lived almost another 10 years just a few kilometers away (in a town called Mercurol, Drôme). My mother is canadian, and has always spoken to me in english, so yes, I speak both french and english, lucky me!
For those interested, here is my resumé (in french).
After some math and computer studies in Lyon, France (where I lived for 5 years in all), and jobs in two different companies over there, I moved to Barcelona, Spain (in June 2001), where I now live.

Some things I like

Some things I don't like

  • Lying
  • Chocolate
  • Pigeons
  • Dogs
  • Violence
  • Intolerence
  • Getting bored...

Contacting me

The easiest way to reach me is by email, thias at of course! I've also got an ICQ number, phone numbers and even a place where I live...

My online photo albums


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Thias... 80% lui-même et 20% quelqu'un d'autre © 1999-2010 Thias